The Innovations of Simplex in Urban Planning Operations

April 5, 2024
The new measures for licensing urban planning operations created within the framework of SIMPLEX have already come into effect.
What are the new features brought by this new package of measures? Which processes, as the term “Simplex” implies, are more simplified? What innovations are there in terms of licenses, authorizations, and administrative acts related to construction and rehabilitation works? And what do these innovations mean for citizens and for those working in urban planning and construction?
Answers provided by Bruno Magalhães, partner at VFA responsible for the Corporate and Real Estate areas, at the conference dedicated to the theme “More Housing: Law and Taxation” and also on the podcast “Discurso Direito”.
“Discurso Direito” [translatable to “Legal Talk”] is VFA’s official podcast. This Portuguese-language show is available on all major podcast platforms. For your convenience, we provide links to “Discurso Direito” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and our RSS feed.
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