Studies in Celebration of 20 Years of CIRE

October 29, 2024
The publication of the book Studies in Celebration of 20 Years of CIRE has been announced, a work emerging from the conference held on May 8, 2024, at Lusófona University in Lisbon. Paulo Valério, partner at VFA, participated in this event as a speaker, discussing the topic “The RERE Revisited in Light of European Insolvency Law.”
Paulo Valério is thus one of the specialists who has contributed to this work, newly announced by the Almedina publishing house and coordinated by José Gonçalves Machado, Ph.D. in Private Law Sciences and Assistant Professor at the Lusófona University Faculty of Law.
Studies in Celebration of 20 Years of CIRE (a work published in Portuguese) also includes contributions from Alexandre de Soveral Martins, Ana Filipa Conceição, Ângelo Pereira Dias, Bruno de Oliveira Moura, David Sequeira Dinis, Fátima Reis Silva, Fernando Taínhas, José Alvarenga, José Gonçalves Machado, Juana Pulgar Ezequerra, Luís Manuel Teles de Menezes Leitão, Maria do Rosário Epifânio, Ricardo da Silva Pereira, and Sandra Mendeiros.
The work is now available for pre-order.