Decent Work Agenda opens cycle of VFA conferences

December 7, 2023
Labour law and, more specifically, the Decent Work Agenda, was the basic theme of the first of five conferences that VFA will be promoting over the next few months, entitled “Discurso Direito” (“Legal Talk”).
The first event in this cycle took place at VFA’s offices in Coimbra and featured a discussion between António Alberto Costa, Regional Director of the IEFP (Employment and Vocational Training Institute) in Coimbra, and Sara Palminhas, head of VFA’s Labour Law department.
The conversation covered topics such as the probationary period (the duty of information associated with the conclusion of an employment contract), parenthood (the active role of both parents), fixed-term employment contracts (the increase in compensation due to the employee in the event of the contract’s expiry), waiver (whether or not the employee can waive salary credits when the employment contract is terminated), and the ban on outsourcing (whether there are restrictions on the fundamental right to private economic initiative).
In the next edition of this newsletter we’ll cover this subject in more detail.
The next events in this cycle will occur between Lisbon and Coimbra and will cover the areas of Family Law, Administrative Law, Commercial Law and Restructuring.
We’ll give you more news about the upcoming conferences right here in the newsletter.